space is where all the good stuff is happening
grass – we used to hide and come.
sand – the pain still in our bones today.
grass and sands –
of home
at night we lie on aching backs
thighs open to the skies
offering ourselves to
some other home imagined.
the old man on a bike.
the bird songs are complex
and simple.
the bird songs are fine.
you hear yours,
i hear mine.
the bird songs are fine.
(texas 2008)
jorgen teller & the empty stairs ft lazara playing the festival of endless gratitude pre-summer blow out, copenhagen 20120505
first a power outage of which we have few and the fact that i notice it as something how spoiled we are as i read the tweets about homs again then very low fast clouds a pink sky things written while listening to john cale thanks friends for reminding me but unsaved and lost by mistake mm that feeling of having really liked something but not being able to remember what it was precisely then how important can it have been anyway?
it might come back. power did.
and the children were playing and running round and the birds were singing in the trees, singing beautifully –
just an old man, sitting on a bench, he could not smile –
he kept pointing at the birds, saying
“that song is mine! mine!” –
the children could not even be bothered to argue with him –
they glanced at him briefly with eyes saying “oh! you poor old fool” then dashed off again, playing.
they left him sitting there.
one day he died.
the birds were still singing.
( )
joyfully riding into that open square –
that turns into the western plains.
remember to cherish what you see –
you know we burn that which we paint.
(for fly it no longer can.)
all my friends are in soundland.