space is where all the good stuff is happening
it is impossible for everyone
to not hurt
some were smart in selling their quest
while others just asked
the center of the party
died toothless and swollen
and we go back to
identifying plants instead –
something we know, and a place safe.
and our son plays and falls of a cliff
and dies and we think about self
and what if it changes
and we talk of mirror and skin –
the confusion we are in.
two translations of a text by trine trash
– Come now, little darling. Wash that ebola off your skin
take my hand
or what’s left of it
we’re gonna die, you and me
we’re not gonna survive this one
cos we have learned all things wrong
and nothing about how to deal with this
nothing about this one
just about money, greed and status.
Come now, little darling.
Take whatever’s left of me and hold it close
we’re gonna die, you and me
but let us stay close til then –
so close.– Komm nun, mein Schatz. Wasch den Ebola von Deiner Haut.
Nimm meine Hand
oder was davon noch übrig ist.
Wir werden sterben, Du und ich
Wir überleben diesmal nicht
Denn wir lernten nur das falsche
und nichts, nicht über dies –
nur von Geld und Gier und Status
Komm nun, mein Schatz.
Nimm was von mir übrig ist
Wir werden sterben, Du und ich
Doch lass uns einander halten
bis dahin –
ganz fest halten.
-Kom nu, lille skat. Vask den ebola af dig
tag min hånd
eller hvad der er tilbage af den
vi skal dø, du og jeg
vi kommer ikke til at overleve denne her
for vi har lært alt det forkerte
og ingenting om hvordan vi klarer denne her
ingenting om denne her
men om penge, grådighed og magt og status
kom så, lille skat.
Tag whatever der er left af mig og hold det tæt
vi skal dø, du og jeg
men lad os holde tæt indtil da
helt tæt.
festival of endless gratitude 22 sept 2012, copenhagen
with steffen basho-junghans, art-errorist, louise vind nielsen, and many many others.
#nowave #metal #piano
Umuligt Instrument – REH – Ghost Flute & Dice – Das elektrische Ich – NO GOD – Krankenhaus and more
marcel du swamp
mayhem copenhagen, 21 july 2012
essential. thank you.