space is where all the good stuff is happening
geeezuz, said the whores on istedgade as she walked by,
geeezuz said she when reading that paper, is this boring.
is this it?
well, as it permeates everything, this is it.
the mere mention of harmony a provocation.
what is the nature of one string hit?
and is there a future in it?
it dont mean shit
and theres no time to lose.
flower and robots entwine our terraces
and our views out to the sea,
but who said we want to be free?
they slingshot your copters
and slaughter your captains.
first a power outage of which we have few and the fact that i notice it as something how spoiled we are as i read the tweets about homs again then very low fast clouds a pink sky things written while listening to john cale thanks friends for reminding me but unsaved and lost by mistake mm that feeling of having really liked something but not being able to remember what it was precisely then how important can it have been anyway?
it might come back. power did.
always knew way too much about electrons and way too little about flows of money and feelings
next thing there ll be things to fall back to
houses and thanks given
blow it up
cshirkyRT @ajkeen: In the future, only slow & blindingly quick media survives.
the veil notion.
the multipurpose shop: barber, dharma books, ropes, solar panels.
variable height kitchen closet … sliding, rope held, ..?
it will never happen.
time until then is a time of longing.
I felt so 1 with you
i forgot that we are 2.