space is where all the good stuff is happening
“when one morning
well-meaning beings in light blue dresses
write poems for a new society”
etymological confusion rather than machine translation disaster ….
FAN Etymology: [ fan ] (noun.) before 12th century. Old English fann,
from the Latin vannus (“fan for winnowing grain”). Synonyms: air conditioner, blade, draft, flabellum, leaf,
palm leaf, propeller, thermantidote, vane, ventilator,
windmill, addict, adherent, admirer, aficionado,
amateur, buff, devotee, follower English - German translation for "FAN"
1 Fächer , Fan , Gebläse , Liebhaber , Lüfter , Ventilator 2 fan of Fan von 3 fanned fächelte , gefächelt 4 fanning fächelnd 5 fans fächelt , Fächer , Fans 6 fächern , fächeln , wedeln
In der Ferne kann erreicht werden, wenn nicht die Menschlichkeit, Gefühl der Sicherheit durch die Nachricht, dass Wasser im Universum existiert gegeben werden.
A letter to a young – when you start reading and thinking, you just completed the rite.In front, this will bring you pain, even dangerous, and even your child out of tune with the surrounding. But you grow up, you will know their own mental development is normal. Many of your peers, it may not yet broken wolf’s milk. I hope that chaired the times in your day, you selfish scum and today they had a big difference. (@ Tujiawild-fu)
Kyle Lee translated like this:
A letter to the youth — When you pick a book, start to read and think, you are becoming mature. For the time being, these behaviors or habits might bring you pain or danger, even isolate you from fellows at your age. However, this is how you grow up, you can feel you mind becoming more and more consistent and complete, while others still suck. I wish, when the time sheds light upon your generation, you would be totally different from those selfish, inglorious and ignorant jerk asses who nowadays stink everywhere.
( Translated originally from Chinese. )
mail von denen, die den riesigen gewebten einzuschalten. Laut dem Bericht,
1, die Essenz davon wird die Welt bewegen, die große Vision (Ziel-Bild) und eine Straßenkarte von dort zurück geworfen, einmal beschlossen, das Bild, Zusammenarbeit und der Maßnahmen, und … tragen zu beenden.
mail from them that the huge woven. According to the report,
1, the essence of it will move the world, threw the big vision (target picture) and a map from there, once decided, the image, cooperation and action, and … end to bear.
“It depends on where this water’s going and what they’re doing with it … If it’s allowed to run off into the ground and stuff, you’re getting a concentration in the ground. If it’s going into the ocean, you’re getting some accumulation in the ocean.”
always knew way too much about electrons and way too little about flows of money and feelings
there are so many more things that are not than there are things that are.
one bomb here.
one bomb there.
flowers in the window.
we lie.