today is a good day to be kind,
harmless and quiet.

it is sad , it is a pity,
it is sad like any of the murders committed daily in our name,
clean and far away.

everything is natural, simple to understand:
how acts of violence
are bound to each other
on a string of emotions and time.

what you inject into our shared body,
it stays and lingers,
sometimes resurfacing in wildly distorted shapes.
the insulted are not really all that insulted,
the freedom fighters fear nothing more than freedom.

so let the the dance begin –
the right wing jubilates,
free speech lobby jumps up and down,
and the beat goes on.

what do you demand your speech be free from?
you want the right to act without reaction?

no such thing as free speech.
never has been, never will, and never should be.

while we defend with claws and teeth our right to insult others with invented stuff
(like, your holy entity is a dog),
we happily accept censorship when it comes our right to speak about the factual,
the actions of our armies,
the actions of our queen,
actions in our names.
bah bah, free speech, happy sheep.

with rights comes responsibility.
a need for wisdom.
why state your right by exercizing it in its lowest and wrongest forms?
i surely believe in the right to sexual self expression –
why go round town waving my dick into everybody’s face all day?

any right comes with a need for wisdom.
our right to freedom of speech
is not the right to insult minorities.

acts of violence
are bound to each other
on a string of emotions and time.

so are acts of love and kindness.

today is a good day to be kind,
harmless and quiet.

so was yesterday,
and so is tomorrow.